Things that I have accomplished, software and tools used to get to done.

There is a lot to talk about when I have been working in tech for over 10 years. The teams, people, and companies I have worked for have helped make all of these experiences worth the late nights, sacrifices, and celebrations.

Healthy Together

  • Director of Engineering

    Remote (based in Miami, FL) — 2021 - Present

  • Lead sourcing and interviewing processes to hire international candidates for Staff and Senior level engineering roles to join our fully remote team.

  • Direct a cross-departmental team of 3 managers in charge of 20+ individuals to coordinate, build and launch three new product verticals and support the launches through various marketing efforts.

  • Drive the development of API endpoints and documentation to allow for faster integration between teams connecting customers to their data 2x faster.

  • Collaborate with product and customer experience to understand the deliverables, timelines and scope of work assigned to the engineering teams.

  • Delivered employee management solution at over 100+ locations across the US.

Contracted Services

  • Team Manager & Principal Engineer

    Remote (based in New York, NY & Los Angeles, CA) — 2020 - 2022

  • Oversaw a team of international developers to create a Bitcoin mining Return on Investment (ROI) calculator for a 25madison property that focused on family offices through targeted SEO best practices.

  • Project for 25madison was acquired by USBTC in November 2022.

  • Architected SEO, data extraction and API structure for a Vaccine Finder tool tracking COVID-19 vaccination supplies across 50,000 locations in the US.

  • Assisted in collecting eligibility information on over 1.8 million Americans to communicate when qualifications were met to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

  • Project for Post IPO GoodRx wrapped up in May 2021.


  • Senior Software Engineer

    Remote (based in Los Angeles, CA) — 2020 - 2022

  • Coordinated the delivery and launch of the harbor app and supporting web properties in partnership with FEMA, ADT and others.

  • Partnered with the CTO in overseeing responsibilities to allow him to focus on the business aspects of the organization; spearheaded the engineering team.

  • Product app featured multiple times on the Apple AppStore.

  • Acquired by Citizen in January 2022.


  • Software Engineer

    Los Angeles, CA — 2019 - 2020

  • Pioneered the delivery of multiple online tools to empower users to understand projected costs of services and increased customer conversions by 25% through SEO best practices, A/B tests, ad campaigns and targeted landing pages.

  • Acquired by Dwell Energy in August 2020.


  • Senior Manager & Engineer

    Orange County, CA – 2017 - 2018

  • Championed integrations of Tag Mangers on 30+ individual websites to deliver marketing and tracking technologies to analyze traffic and improve interactions on site for various clients (including E-Commerce sites).


  • Video Player Development Manager

    Farmington, UT – 2016 - 2017

  • Assisted an international team of 10+ individuals in developing the first pre-bid video advertising solution (leveraging header bidding technology Prebid.js) to be deployed across a distributed ad network consisting of over 500+ websites.


  • Senior Manager & ScrumMaster

    Orange County, CA – 2015 - 2016

  • Facilitated a transition of 20+ individuals from Waterfall project management to Agile methodologies and strategized delivery of websites and other media for B2B and D2C campaigns completing approximately $1.5M in projects.

Freeze Tag

  • Manager & ScrumMaster

    Orange County, CA – 2010 - 2015

  • Improved production pipeline for porting casual computer games to Apple, Amazon and Google mobile app stores, reducing delivery times by 50%.

  • Achieved the #1 spot for entertainment apps on the Apple App Store for the official Etch A Sketch app.